Become a Member

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Members of MMTA are also members of MTNA (Music Teachers National Association).  Both organizations offer many member benefits and opportunities for both professional and student education and growth.


2024-2025 MTNA Membership Application




MMTA and MTNA welcome anyone who wishes to become a member, regardless of education level or previous experience. There are several membership categories to choose from:

Full Membership

Open to any person actively engaged in the field of music. These members are members of both MMTA and MTNA. They are entitled to vote, hold office, apply for national certification, and enter students in events in both organizations. Membership year is July 1st-June 30th.

  • Active:   Open to any person professionally engaged in any field of musical activity. 
  • Senior: Open to persons age 70 or older who are engaged in any field of musical activity. Senior members receive a 25% reduction in dues. 
  • Out-of-State: Open to any person professionally engaged in any field of musical activity outside of the  state of Minnesota.  Out-of-State members are often members of the state where they reside as well.

Collegiate Membership

Open to full-time college students currently involved in music study. Collegiate members are members of both MMTA and MTNA but may not vote, hold office, or apply for national certification.  They may enter students in MMTA events, but not MTNA.   Membership year is October 1st-September 30th

2024-2025 Collegiate Membership Application



Student Membership

Student membership is defined below.  Student members are members of MMTA only and may not vote or hold office.  They may enter students in MMTA events.  Membership year is October 1st-September 30th.

  • High School: Open to High School students, age 15 and above, currently involved in regular music study.  High School members must have a teacher who is currently an  MMTA member as their mentor. 
  • Junior: Open to students under of the age of 15 currently involved in regular music study.  Junior members must have a teacher who is currently an MMTA member as their mentor.  

High School Membership Application 24-25



Retired Membership

Open to those who have been active members for at least 20 continuous years in MTNA, are age 65 or greater, and are essentially retired from teaching.  A member must request this type of membership from MTNA.  Retired members may vote but may not hold office at divisional/national levels, or enter students in MTNA or  MMTA events.  Membership year is July 1st-June 30th.

 MTNA Request Retired Membership

Patron Membership

open to any organization, institution or individual interested in music and desiring to further the aims of MMTA.  Patron members my join MMTA without joining MTNA. Patron membership does not include the right to hold office, vote, or enter students in MMTA or MTNA programs.  

  • Patron Membership:  Open to organizations, institutions and individuals.  Three levels of Patron Membership are available.  (Read more)
  • Studio Patron Membership:  Open to studios with more than one teacher teaching under the same company name and who wish to connect with professional colleagues and find musical opportunities that inspire the students they teach.   (Read more)


Membership Benefits


Membership in MMTA includes the following benefits:

  • Programs for students and teachers, including contests and comprehensive examinations for piano, voice and other instruments, as well as for composition;
  • Ensemble festivals and other programs designed to nurture and inspire the developing musicians;
  • Syllabi and teaching materials that support students as they learn repertoire, music history, theory and sightplaying skills;
  • Membership publications, including newsletters, and an annual Member Handbook (online or via hard copy upon request);
  • Annual state convention offering a variety of presentations on pedagogy and performance and features guest artists and concerts with opportunities for continuing education;
  • Mentoring program to help new members become acquainted with programs and procedures;
  • Network of Local Associations throughout the state where members can meet for collegiality and support.


MTNA offers its members a variety of programs, services and benefits, including:

  • American Music Teacher, an award-winning bi-monthly journal containing features on various topics of importance to the music teaching profession;
  • National conference, held annually, offering opportunities for education and networking;
  • National certification program, a path to recognition and promotion of the highest standards of music teaching
  • Financial services;
  • Blanket music licensing agreement with ASCAP;
  • National performance and composition competition for students;
  • Office Max/Office Depot Discount and other discounts
  • And more!  See for additional membership benefits and discounts.


Application for Membership

Ways to apply for membership:

  • Online at
  • By mail (send to address on the paper application form)
  • In-person at the MMTA Office
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