The MMTA Volunteer of the Year could be that person who has cheerfully and generously served on countless committees or boards, or served as chairperson with dedication. It could be that person who provides support and encouragement to individual members and is dedicated to providing students with the very best musical experiences possible. Your candidate could be an enthusiastic person who is very active in his/her local organization who helps to develop opportunities for professional growth for Local Associations and MMTA members.
Complete this form by April 30, and send by regular mail or email to Judy Sherman. The Volunteer of the Year Award will be presented at the 2017 Convention.
Thank you for taking the time to consider who would be deserving of the award. Volunteerism is the life-blood of our organization; it makes important contributions both economically and socially, and keeps MMTA running.
Nomination(s) for Volunteer of the Year
I nominate ___________________________________ as the 2017 Volunteer of the Year for the following reason(s): (Please be specific and detailed)
Signed _______________________________________________________________
(Deadline is April 30, 2017)
Return by regular mail or email to: Judy Sherman, 2125 Parkview Lane, Woodbury, MN 55125
Questions??? Call Judy Sherman at 651-738-0312.