The Judge Education Committee is looking for new members. Please consider if this committee will be a good fit for your interests. It is preferred that you be an experienced MMTA Endorsed Judge and that you have considerable experience with students participating in MMTA’s quality and programs.
Our current committee is: Mary Fadden, Maria Grant, Sharon Kaplan, Jill Kilzer, Kay Koehnen.
What would you do as a JEC committee member?
- Provide orientation and feedback for new judge applicants; develop and present continuing education programs for current Endorsed Judges.
- Update and edit the MMTA Endorsed Judge Handbook ( ) in conjunction with MMTA Program Directors; Update MMTA Judge Information Webpage and Program Judge Portals.
- Innovate, brainstorm, troubleshoot ways to make MMTA critiquing process more effective for our program participants and our Endorsed Judges. Find new ways to work as a team to manage our JEC responsibilities using online resources.
- Send assigned endorsed judges uniform judge preparation/initial information regarding their assignments. (ex. A Piano Exam Judge in Greater MN would have the same preparation materials/general event details sent as Piano Exam Judge in Twin Cities.)
- Send available/confirmed Endorsed Judges names to Site Administrators and Program Chairs- for their approval.
- Support MMTA Endorsed Judges; Support Site administrators across Minnesota.
- Work as a team to provide periodic written “Performance Reviews” to our pool of over 250 judges.
Zoom meetings are possible, of course. Even if you live in Greater MN we’d be happy to have you join us!
Presently, we don’t meet on a regular basis. We tend to meet about 4-6 times a year to prepare for continuing education programs, assigning Contest Program judges, performance reviews of current members. Several of our committee would welcome more frequent and regular meetings. .
Please consider becoming active in this vital committee– Vital, both, to our students and to our colleagues!
Judge Education Committee Mission Statement: The Judge Education Committee (JEC) oversees and supports the professional development of new and experienced judges, and oversees all facets of the adjudication process for MMTA program events.
Jill Kilzer, JEC chair