General Rules and Procedures for All MMTA Programs

  1. Communication regarding any student program must be between the teacher and the Site Administrator or Program Director.  It is inappropriate for a student or parent to contact MMTA program personnel and may result in the student’s disqualification.
  2. Fees for participation in a program must be paid by the teacher (with exception of a collegiate student registering for Young Artist Contest.)  MMTA will accept Visa or MasterCard, or a single check drawn from the teacher’s bank account.  Checks will not be accepted from students or parents.
  3. Event dates, locations, and registration deadlines are subject to change, or may be cancelled.  Changes and cancellations will be announced as far in advance as possible.  The online Handbook and Events section of the MMTA website will be kept up-to-date.   It is the teacher’s responsibility to be aware of any alterations. 

  4. An event may be cancelled/postponed for various reasons, including adverse weather and driving conditions.  Registered students may re-register for the rescheduled date or at a different site within six months of the original event, at no additional charge.

  5. No refunds are granted if a student is unable to participate once registered for an event.
  6. An application/registration may not be withdrawn or changed after it has been submitted.
  7. By registering for any event, teachers and students accept the terms of the MMTA Event Cancellation Policy.
  8. MMTA expects all entrants to abide by copyright law.
  9. Schedule requests for general AM or PM times will be honored as time allows.  Only those requests submitted at the time of registration will be considered.
  10. Requests for schedule changes may be granted at the discretion of the Site Administrator.  A surcharge must be paid to MMTA before the student may participate.
  11. Decisions of the adjudicators are final.
  12. MMTA welcomes students with special needs.  Adaptations will be made on a case-by-case basis.  Please contact the Program Director, Site Administrator, or MMTA Office.
  13. Teachers registering students for MMTA programs must be MMTA members in good standing.  Non-members may register students for MMTA programs by paying an additional entry fee of $50 per event.  

    Collegiate students may register themselves for the Young Artist Contest, regardless if they or their teacher are a current member of MMTA.  No non-member fee will be charged.

  14. Teachers registering students for any MMTA program are expected to assist in some manner or send a studio representative to assist as needed.  Studio representative may be a parent or responsible older student.  Please visit the Volunteer page on the MMTA website for more information.
  15. All registrations must be submitted with payment by the deadline for that event.  
    *Members:  Log in to to register online.  Deadlines for online registrations are the same as postmark deadlines.
    *Members and Non-Members:  Mail or hand-deliver registrations to the MMTA Office at:
    MMTA, 10800 Lyndale Ave. S, Ste. 120, Bloomington, MN 55420
  16. MMTA recommends the use of masks for in-person events.


Failure to comply with these rules and procedures may result in disqualification.

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