
Volunteers are the life-blood of MMTA!  Our organization does have a small staff; but the majority of the programs and events are run by volunteers. Specific volunteer jobs and job descriptions are available online for many events.

Sign up here    Current Volunteer Opportunites

Top 5 Reasons to Volunteer:

  1. Get an inside view of an event, which helps you to know the best way to prepare students.
  2. Students enjoy seeing their teachers at events.
  3. Opportunities for networking with colleagues.
  4. See your friends, and make new friends!
  5. Most importantly, volunteering is an opportunity to be of service to the music community.

Here are just a few of the ways you can help:


  • Become a member of the Board of Directors
  • Coordinate an Event Site
  • Become a Judge
  • Welcome students at the Registration Desk on an Event Day
  • Serve on a Program committee
  • Develop and maintain curricula
  • Market MMTA to the Community
  • Volunteer at the Office
  • Mentor a new member

Students, Parents, and Non-Members

  • Be a Doorkeeper for Piano Contest (Welcome students to their contest room and assist the judge)
  • Welcome students at the Registration Desk on an Event Day
  • Be a Door/Hall Monitor on an Event Day
  • Assist with mailings and general clerical work

Complete the Volunteer Survey to let us know all of the ways you are interested in helping MMTA!

Questions?  Contact Us!

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