
October 20, 2020

2021 Piano Contest, Piano Solo Festival, and Young Artist Piano Contest

Piano Contest & Piano Solo Festival

The Piano Contest and Piano Solo Festival deadline, December 1, is approaching fast. With the unpredictability of the COVID- 19 pandemics, we need to make adjustments to some of the deadlines, rules, and procedures this year.


TC Sat, TC Sun, C, SWM, and SWNU districts will hold virtual pre-recorded Contest Preliminary and Piano Solo Festivals.

July 9, 2020

Re-registration for Deferred Exams

Teachers with students who deferred a piano or theory exam in Spring 2020 may re-register students at no extra cost for exams held in August - December 2020.  Follow the link below to register students.

Re-registrations are currently being accepted for August exams.  Once exam event dates for the Fall have been confirmed, they will be added to the re-registration form.

Note:  The registration deadline for an exam date is the same for both new students and students who are being re-registered.

June 10, 2020

Using the New 2020 Piano Syllabus

Dear MMTA Community,

We will be offering piano exams this summer and again as a video submission format. The deadline for video submissions will be August 8. All students participating in this exam are to use materials from the 2010 syllabus. (A small, pre-organized group of beta testers will use the 2020 syllabus.)

June 1, 2020

2021 Piano Contest/Piano Solo Festival Materials List

The 2021 Piano Contest/Piano Solo Festival Materials List is now available!  It is on the MMTA website in two different places:  here on this news page, and on the Programs/Piano page in the Piano Contest section.

Schmitt Music and Groth Music will be stocking these materials.  The list will be sent to other music stores around the state as soon as possible.  If there is a store in your area who is interested in stocking the materials, please have them email the MMTA Office to make sure their contact information is in our database.
