The Minneapolis Music Teachers Forum is once again sponsoring Piano Contest workshops held on Zoom. The dates are as follows:
Sept. 7 - SRB - Dr. Susan Billmeyer
Sept 14 - SRA - Dr. Stella Sick
Sept 21 - INB - Dr. Herb Johnson
Sept 28 - INA - Suzanne Greer
Oct. 5 - JRB - Jean Krinke and Camille Buddecke
Oct. 12 - JRA,PRI,PREPRI - Dr. Sara Langmead
Workshops begin at 9:45 a.m.
Note: The cost for each ZOOM class: $18. Registration deadline is the Friday prior to the date of the class.
Registering for each zoom class:
By mail:
Mail in the check to be received by the deadline of the class. Include the classes you will be taking ($18 each) and the name of your local organization (SPPTA, MMTF, etc.) Mail to:
Donna Engel, MMTF Treasurer
715 Marion Lane
Jordan, MN 55353
Contest notes will be available after the last class on October 10th. Please enclose a check made out to MMTF to cover the cost of the notes and send to Pat Langer,
7101 Antrim Court
Edina, MN 55439.
The cost for each set of notes: $15
If any of you have any questions you may contact Pat Langer:
(651) 356-9080