Spring is a busy time for us during the school year with many events such as theory exams as well as flute, guitar, string and piano exams, popular styles and music bridges programs.
We are committed to our students' and their families' health and well-being during this time, as well as the health and well-being of our teacher members.
To that end, all metro area MMTA events, through May 3, will not be held in person. Instead, we are providing options for events through this date:
- we are in the process of developing online/virtual testing options for all of our programs;
- we are providing the option for students to reschedule until December 31, 2020 (extending our normal 6-month rescheduling for illness policy to over 9 months for these extraordinary circumstances);
- we are also allowing Site Administrators (particularly in Greater Minnesota) to make the decision whether or not to proceed as normal with in-person testing, contingent upon following CDC guidelines for gatherings. [Note: this is due to a number of factors, including accessibility and connectivity issues with devices, speed of internet, and instruments.]
For events after May 3, please stay tuned - we'll know more about future MMTA events as the current situation unfolds over the next few weeks.
We thank you, again, for your gracious patience and understanding, as we respond to our current situation and work to develop feasible solutions for our programs and our students.
Best wishes,
Dr. Ann DuHamel, NCTM