
April 8, 2019

MMTA Foundation Grants and Awards

MMTA Foundation offers Teacher, District and Local Association Grants, Travel Grants for Minnesota winners of MTNA state and division performance competitions, and Monetary Awards for students who have demonstrated superior achievement in MMTA educational exams. Additional achievement awards include the Young Artist Winner, Student Composition Winner and Student of the Year. Below are some grant that have upcoming deadlines. Apply today! 

Robert Schmitt Professional Development Grants

January 30, 2019

*NEW*: Theory Level 3 Workbook - 2019 Edition

The new edition of Theory Workbook 3 is available for purchase now.  The contents of this 2019 edition will be used for testing starting in August 2019. 

If teachers or students have copies of the 2015 edition, the MMTA website will soon post the new pages from the 2019 edition.  These can be printed and given to students who own the 2015 edition.   A link to the new pages will be available on the online store, and on the Programs/Piano page.

The major changes in the 2019 edition are:
